Wednesday, February 28, 2007
News Brief
Just a quick note to catalog another few moments of my fifteen minutes of fame. I live for this stuff!
- Jade Lily, majordomo of the of the SL Relay for Life, posted a quick entry about my walking film on the SL Relay for Life blog on February 24. Thanks, Jade!
- Tateru Nino made a very flattering mention of my treadmill/Relay plans in her Monday Reality Mix over at NWN on the 26th. If you're not reading Tateru's work over at the SLI, you're missing out!
- Onder Skall over at Second Life Games weblog wrote a great review of the Garage of DOOM on the 27th. I'm glad to have found out about SL Games. I read through the back entries, and already found quite a few things to occupy those long SL nights. Thanks, Onder! Oh, and they're not short security guards. They're zombie Cub Scouts, armed with slingshots. Much scarier.
Thanks for the linkage, everyone!
Addendum, 3/7/07
Redaktisto Noble, intrepid reporter for SLNN, wrote a very nice article about me and the treadmill interface. The first part is kind of amusing. Redaktisto asked me to pitch the treadmill as if I were selling it. I think I went overboard just a tad. I'm glad he mentioned dDot's previous work. (I'd read about his bike interface before starting all this mess, and found out he'd also done a treadmill a few weeks after I rigged mine.) I've certainly never claimed to be the first. I know better than to claim to be the first at anything in Second Life! Probably just my own paranoia, but I always feel compelled to mention prior art when this comes up. Not that anyone has called me on it, but still.
In any case, as far as I know I am the only person in SL who is doing this now (dDot had to forgo the fitness equipment when he moved a while back), and I'd lay pretty heavy odds that I've logged in more miles than anyone else who has done it before. I guess persistence buys me a few geek points, anyway.
And I expect my regular readers (both of them) are sick of me rabbiting on about this treadmill thingy, so I'll give it a rest.